Which Cereal is better?!
I like chocolate cereal so which is the best?
Answers: Cocoa puffs. Cocoa Pepples. Or Chocolate Honey Comb.
I like chocolate cereal so which is the best?
Cocoa Pebbles
Cocoa pebbles
Cocoa Pebbles. They are really chocolatey, and I love them! They get me going in the morning, at least.
Cocoa Puffs... love em but so bad for you and eat em fast or else they get to be mush
cocoa pebbles i always seem to hurt myself with puffs n i never had choco honey comb
They're all good but not healthy, maybe you could find a tastier or at least healthier alternative?
cocoa pebbles!!
Cocoa Pebbles! Mmmmmmm.
Cocoa Puffs.
The best was the way they made it in the 80s, with the crunchy sugar coating. They were amazingly good.
the pebbles are better- i think. : D
Cocoa puffs!
Haven't tried the honey comb yet. but I love the cocoa pebbles. They have new dino smores pebbles but I dont suggest them.