Do you smash up your over easy eggs into your grits ?,or eggs on the side !!?!
Answers: I like them mixed together. I love grits!
No, but I do mix my scrambled eggs into my grits! :-D
High Five to another Southerner!
On the side, its the southern way!
I've never really had grits, but I LOVE smashing my eggs into my hashbrowns!!
Although I don't like husband does...(we are both Southern)...if he is at a restaurant, it will depend on how the grits are..thick or thin..that will dictate how he has his eggs..thin, he'll take 'em scrambled, thick, he wants 'em over easy..and he ALWAYS mixes them together...
Personally, I love CHEESE on my grits...
And people, Instant Grits are NOT grits...sorry...they're terrible and no 'self-respect'n Southerner would be caught dead eat'n 'em...period...
yes and sometimes
I bet your one of those ppl that mixes your carrots and peas!