I just watched a pot and it BOILED! What other lies have we been told?!?!
Answers: people are lying to me? i am so disillusioned. i am going to put on a pot of water and stare at it and see what happens. do i need to turn the stove on?
That Hillary will get the USA Troops out of Iraq within a few weeks... (she'll have a change of mind, shockingly, if she gains the White House)... that the economy was strong under Bubba (when the mini-recession hit in 1999/2000, well before 9/11). That the USA was never attacked "on US soil" when in fact the British burned the White House to the ground, and the FALN killed people on Wall St. (by bombings) in the 1970's -- although they were PARDONED by Bill Clinton (nice, the media overlooks that one, too)... how about the Other Side.. and GWB? how about that a FULL MONTH before 9/11... that a WTC Hijacker was captured by our own FBI in Minnesota.. prompting 6-7 COUNTRIES to tell our State Dept. and GWB/Cheney that something BIG has to be afoot for Moussaoui to be in Minnesota... from France & Russia (!) & GB & Germany & Israel, etc. etc. and out gov't did NOTHING -- even as the FBI was pleading to interrogate this guy.. from AUGUST 14th, 2001... that's a FULL 4 weeks ahead of 9/11.. which shows you WHY GWB was sitting there, stupid-faced reading "My Pet Goat"... because he knew something was "up", and caught/shocked that it was all falling around him, so he tried to act the SAME and casual... (talk about boiling?)... lol
lol many....to many to even think of lol
you might go blind. wear glasses?
The hair on the palm thing....
You may get nominated for the most un-fun person ever.
If you read with dim light it harms your eyes.
Slow and steady wins the race.
If you work hard enough you can acheive anything you want.
And countless others.
but, tell me, did the POT actually boil??? Or just the water contained in the pot?
Everyone deserves respect
ok so what else do you do for fun.
was you payed to do this .
and the idea of a wathced pan never boils just means would it not be far more productive to do other chores whilst waiting for pot tp boil instead of watching it
Contrary to popular belief you can fly if you are sufficiently confident. Test yourself, jump out the window!
Make sure you get it recorded, have a friend record it on a camcorder and upload it to youtube.
You could be a major celebrity as the first man to fly.
your going blind, wear glasses