What did they call Egg Mayo/Tuna Mayo Sandwiches BEFORE Mayo became part of the daily diet...?!
Answers: Egg sandwiches or Tuna sandwiches?
We vary rarely used Mayo except in salads.
Egg & Chives, or Curried.
Tuna with Vinegar of Lemon Juice.
No point going beyond Nigel's answer, is there? Apart from which if you knew what mayo was, beyond that cr.p you get in jars from your local market, supermarket, then you would know what a stupid question this was
They called it egg mayonnaise, but Your average imbecile couldn't be bothered to say the whole word. That, and the american influence.
Back in the 70's it was Egg & Salad Cream and Tuna & Salad Cream!!
egg salad cream and tuna salad cream sandwiches.
same as greykit says egg and salad cream and tuna and salad cream !
mayo free sarnies
Well if they had no mayonnaise, I guess they were just called egg sandwiches and tuna sandwiches ? I don't think I fully understand what you're asking ! :)