Should I eat the pie?!
Answers: I bought a chocolate cream cheese pie on Tuesday and forgot about it in my car, until today. It's been snowing so my car is relatively cold, but I know that temperatures fluctuate. It's really really good pie, too.
I would. If it's not moldy its good lol. :) EAT IT! YOu can't waste chocolate... that should be a sin.
haha. enjoy your pie!
Pie is pie.
Eat the PIE!
eat it
no, don't do it, unless you live where temps have not risen above 42
i would not eat it........
mmmmm Pie.... EAT IT
I would be eating it right now. Always eat good pie. Seriously enjoy!
I would eat love pie and I think it will be okay.
if you found it on a grassy knole with dozens of cows on it, DONT EAT IT
Eat it, unless it's gotten warmer than 50 deg. F for 2-3 hours at a time, I wouldn't worry about it.
eat it.. just think of it as if it was in your fridge.. the first bite will tell you evertyhign
Go for it! It'll be a waste of a pie if you don't.
What's a nasty case of the shits compared to the rapturous joy of eating a three-day old stale pie? Go for it!
i think the pie would be fine.....if its only been in there for a day its ok because the temprature regulates so the pie stays good. i you still dont feel safe just try it and if it tastes good then "your" good to go.
hope it tatses good
If the temp was like a fridge you are ok!!!!!!!!!!! done stuff like this before.
Well if you life is liking pie's then eat pie, but if you feel that pie is not really your habit, then you have the choice of eating pie. If you any questions, then just e-mail me at
It should be ok.
If it's been snowing EAT THE PIE!
wHY LET it go to waste? If it looks good and has no discoloration than I think it's good especially if it's been out of direct sunlight.....Enjoy
No way... your stomach will growling in about 10 hours after eating that...?
If the temp in your car stayed below 5°C/41°F, then sure it's fine, but if it was any higher than that...fahgetaboutit!!!!
eat it like a fat dude that dont giv a f**k
since it has been cold out side I say go for it . After one spoon full if it has gone bad you will know
good look
It should be ok if your weather has been warm. Take a small first bite and if it tastes funny, don't eat anymore. It is probably ok-
If it's been cold enough to snow - it's cold enough to keep that pie just right!!!!
just buy anouther to be sure