What's the best kind of chew?!
Answers: My boyfriend's a dipper and I want to surprise him with a good kind.. i'm not really into it. But i know what long cut means. I just want the flavors. What's the best kind?
Skoal Vanilla.
My fiance has been dipping for years--and usually he dips Grizzly Straight, but when hes in a really good mood he says he "treats himself to skoal vanilla" Lol
Hope i helped
Best wishes
good luck
God Bless :)
Everyone likes something different.
Figure out what he likes... mint... apple... ect... but there's no way of knowing what your boyfriend is going to like.
Redman A stout chew
Well it depends, if he seems more of a hunter/fisher type of guy get him some Copenhagen whiskey. If he's in his teens get him some skoal citrus. It all depends but you can never fail with mint.
Which type causes cancer more quickly?