How do you cut up a mango?!
Answers: I have an elderly friend who attacks it with a knife, haphazardly, and it makes one helluva mess. I have a systematic method; do you? (I love mangoes, fresh or stewed).
I have one of these:
It is fantastic.
Very carefully.
With a knife
I usually cut it a little off from the middle on either side to avoid the seed..
cut in quarters, then score slices just to the skin, invert the quarter so the bite size pieces pop out...and nibble them off :)
make two slices about 3/4 of an inch apart to get around the seed. Very carefully trim the flesh around the seed. There really isn't too much to it.
I cut off the two 'cheeks' on either side of the seed
then I crisscross the cheeks with slices until you have cubes of flesh which separate when you turn the cheeks inside out.
peel the skin off the the seed to attack later with teeth
suck the cubes of flesh one by one out of the 'cheeks'
make sure you have wet towels or a sink nearby
and dental floss
i don't cut it I just peel and eat, like a banana. yes it's messy, but a mango mess is the best kind.
i peel it then slice of the sides then i cut it up in strips
systematic... find the larger side adn that usually has the pit on it carefully start to cut down on it and when you feel the pit you will be able to move your knife out a little while. feel both this can be done on all 4 sides.
Be careful!
No, but I'd sure like to know how you do it. I have just been wondering this recently. I pretty much just hack at it until all the good stuff comes off. I saw a mango slicer the other day when I was shopping, and it looked like it would work pretty well...
how do u cut mango? i bought two ages ago and the just ended up in the compost heap cos i couldent eat them.
I like the way they do it in mexico. They push a sharp stick into the seed and peel them then just eat it off the seed. It's messy but it's really good.
The way I was taught by a chef instructor was to carefully cut through the middle around the core/seed (it looks much like a cuttle bone found in bird cages). Then take the mango half and make knife cuts (not cutting through the skin) the length and width. Then invert the mango almost popping the mango cubes out. Simply cut off the cubes and there you have it.
I too love a good fresh mango!
my method is d same as yours
Use a knife and divide it into two parts.
Cut the cheeks off and do the criss cross cut on that (you know what i mean lol) then just cut the skin off around the rest of the mango and eat it straight off the seed
Yummo - i love mangos!