What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?!
They are supper yummy. What's your favorite and why?
Answers: I love Girl Scout cookies! They are so yummy. My favorites are Samoas and Tagalongs. I am eating a Tagalong right now :)
They are supper yummy. What's your favorite and why?
I ? girl scout cookies too!! They are soooo yummy!! Tagalongs and Thin Mints are my favorites!! Mmmmmm... now i want a tagalong!!! I wish there were girl scouts in my area that are selling them right now!!! I ? the peanut buttery goodness of tagalongs!!
? I hope this helps!!?
Im not sure. I have never ate a girl scout cookie.
i like those ones that are like..circles with oats in them..i think. they have a chocolate base and have chocolate poured in little strips on the top..i think they're called Samoas or something.. :)
I like the ones that are shaped like flowers
Thin mints
It's a tie between Thin Mints and Tagalongs...... mmmmmmmmmm
I love girl scout cookies. All of them are good, But I love the Coconut Chocolate ones the best!
Tagalongs and Samoas...yum! Those are the best!
My favorite is the one and only Thin Mint. My second favorite are thosa ones that come in the light blue package, they're shortbread cookies.
Tagalongs and Trefoils. I also remember Do-Si-Does. I wonder if there are any Girl Scout cookie sales going on in my area right now - but I guess I shouldn't since I recently started a diet!
the mint ones.
I like the one's that are made from real Girlscouts
My favorite Girl Scout cookies are Thin Mints - right out of the freezer.
The thin mint cookies have always been my favorite.