I eat 4 eggs for breakfast every morning..............?!
Answers: could i be charged with committing..chicken infanticide........seamanab
LOL Thats a good one!
You will BURN!
You are not going to have any problems with the chickens but you surely will have a problem with your cholesterol levels, if not now, then pretty soon. Maximum # eggs recommended is 2 per week with the yolks. You can have all the egg whites you want but the egg yolks you can surely overdo. You might want to have some blood tests done. You really don't want to be high on the list for arteriosclerosis and/or a heart attack and/or diabetes 2.
You might want to check out these websites;
www.idf.org The International Diabetes Federation.
www.heartandstroke.ca Heart and Stroke Foundation
No, because the eggs haven't been fertilized. Therefore, no baby chickens are present in them.
Only if you took them from under a setting hen.
I'm with Doug on this one! Watch those hens, they get really crabby when you take their eggs.
eat nup,it'll make you get ready for the girls
Nah thats what they are for to lay eggs for us to eat.. eat what you want is all i can say.
Well no but you need a slab of beef on the plate to go along with them eggs..
No, eggs are screened to be unfertilized before being packed.
the yolks on us huh?? lol
Your in an EGGSellent mood this Morning My dear friend.
me do to eat 4 brown or green eggs