A Brand New Loaf Of Bread - Do You Eat The Ends?!

Question: When you buy a new loaf of bread (wheat, white or sourdough) do you eat the begining and ending pieces or do you find something to do with them? Feeding birds, ants or various forms of rodentia or something. Maybe even throw it away. I'm just asking cause I tend to bypass the first 2 pieces all the way through to the end pieces and they just sit till I buy a new loaf. I always wonder what I should do with them besides eating them. Lately I've been mixing it up in my dogs food as filler and they haven't noticed a thing. Tell me what you think.

Answers: When you buy a new loaf of bread (wheat, white or sourdough) do you eat the begining and ending pieces or do you find something to do with them? Feeding birds, ants or various forms of rodentia or something. Maybe even throw it away. I'm just asking cause I tend to bypass the first 2 pieces all the way through to the end pieces and they just sit till I buy a new loaf. I always wonder what I should do with them besides eating them. Lately I've been mixing it up in my dogs food as filler and they haven't noticed a thing. Tell me what you think.

Personally, I like the heels of the bread for toast or sandwiches. Often, since the rest of the family doesn't like them, I'll make my sandwich with the 2 end pieces.
However, if you don't want to eat them or throw them to the birds, you can dry them and crumble them up for breading for fish, chicken or salmon or crab cakes. Some recipes for meatload or salmon or crab cakes call for soft bread crumbs. You can tear them into small pieces for that. Mix either soft or dried with seasonings, herbs and sprinkle on top of a casserole before baking. They can be cut in cubes and baked for croutons. You can save them in the freezer until you have a quantity of them and then thaw and use as above.

no i don't eat the heals. the first slice of bread is always hard. so, if you leave the heal in then it is only part that gets stale.

Never.... The end of bread is fatally harmful to humans if swallowed.... I burn the end pieces in the fire place to rid the world of it.

The end bits are the best !

I end up throwing the ends away because I dont like them, but maybe I should use them for my animals too!


Nope, I throw them out. I'm like you, I don't eat the second piece either, unless its the last one of the loaf and I want some toast or something. Instead of throwing them away, maybe I'll try your idea of putting them in my dog's food. They would love to taste something different in there, im sure.

Call me weird, but they are my favorite parts! I like to put the end side on the inside of sandwiches.

I don't eat the ends of bread and they like you said usually stay in the bag until I get a new loaf of bread!! If anyone eats them its my mom!! Sometimes we save the ends to feed the duck in the summer or freeze them to use in stuff and stuff!!

It is called the heal..
and you remove the open end and the Bread you need.. spin the loaf holding the bag and tuck it under to seal the bag.. Cube the heal for use as stuffing mix. bread crumbs... When you reach the end likewise..your can add poultry seasoning..
let it turn stale and store in airtight plastic containers..

I store my bread in a plastic container that I keep on the counter. It keeps the bread really fresh. I think that the crust is the best part of a loaf of bread. I eat the ends first because they have to most crust. They make a great crusty grill cheese.

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