Why are oranges orange?!
Answers: I was doing my launrdy one day and I lost a penny in the dryer, it was making a wracket so I had to stop the dryer take it out and low and behold, it turned orange. They must dry them
because they are
cuz if they weren't orange, they'd have some different name. like yellows or pinks. lol
Oranges are orange for the same reason everything else has a colour. When white light from the electromagnetic spectrum is projected onto an object, the object absorbs all the colours except for the ones that the object is. So, white light hits the orange, all the colours are absorbed and colours that create orange are reflected.
Why is grass green
Why is the sky blue
because an orange needs to be orange just like a red cardinal needs to be red...its in the name so thats how it is
Because they're not blue.
Cause if they were Yellow they'd be called Yellows. Lemons are yellow so that solves that color, like bananas. No other fruit but Oranges are orange, so they can officially call it by it's color.
Because a bella is blue!
cause for one thing a orange is the color orange. but i see what your sayin, why arent bannanas called yellows, or why isnt a cherry called red? well i gues the reason is because when i think of orange i think of the color (of corse) but i also think of a circle, i dont know why but i do.