How to stop drinking coke?!
Answers: how can you succsefully stop drinking coke?
don't drink the whole thing.
each time you go to dinner/go to eat. drink less and less of the coke. until you don't need to order one.
try to not start drinking the coke until towards the end of the dinner also. this helps.
If you start at the beginning you will finish it asap.
It worked for me.
right now i don't need to drink coke anymore. I only do when I want to. before I had to drink it at every meal.
drink water and dont buy it
try snorting it
I did it years ago by replacing it with iced tea that was lightly sweet to start with, and gradually decreased the sugar. I mean home brewed iced tea, not canned or made from a mix.
The acid in coke is very bad for your teeth, so just think about being toothless.
I switched to southern style sweet tea, then began to make it myself using less and less sugar. About 2 Tablespoons per Quart, then 1 Tablespoon per quart.
Tetley Tea or Food Lion or Lusianne teas 3 cup or 4 cup bag.
Then I switched to the Oolongs / Wu long teas which needed no sugar. is a good start to learn what it tastes like, then I haunted the local Asian shop.
Green Jasmine tea is also good and the Rishi white teas are good, but I often want some sugar with them.
Now I still want a Coke from time to time, but think it tastes nasty. Now, Had only one or two in 3 months.
switch to diet coke, true coke lovers won't enjoy this change very much...but my step mother was a coca cola addict until she eventually started stocking the fridge and the back of her car with lipton green tea bottles. all she drinks are those now, but im keep telling her tht those are only 10 % green tea and the rest of it is crap like high fructose corn syrup and ****.
but for pop in general, i'd seriously reccommend drinking sparkling/carbonated water. Whenever i have a craving for some kind of beverage like a coke, i grab a sparkling becuase its quenching your thirst for just water (despite some sodium in it) and u get the harsh feel of those bubbles scraping down your throat :) yay best part!
only order water when eating out too!
do not open the can. . . seriously ,need to sublimate your thirst for " anything " else about 30 days,then you should be o. k.
you and me both, it is a process. I think I really got sick by it, I had to force my self, because coke is really bad and it is a matter of life and death in my opinion.
exchange it with another drink. I used to drink coke all the time, then I switched it with sprite, then I switched spirte with cranberry soda. Now I just drink milk, water, and juices. It's simple.
sniff it instead lol. Nathan butt drink tea or coffee instead thats what I do. Don't fund Paul he wants you're money.
put a copper coin in a glass of coke and leave there for 24 hrs u will never drink it again