Is there any food that contains all the nutrition you need?!
Answers: is there any food out there that could be the only food you ever eat and would provide everything you need. for example, special k protein plus appears to have a good amount of all the vitamins, high iron, high protein, high fiber, etc. Is this type of food self contained complete nutrition in every area? are there any others if so?
There is no ONE food that will provide your body with everything it needs. Besides the vitamins & minerals, your body also needs protein, amino acids, electrolytes, and other substances that -- when in proper balance -- allow our bodies to work at a maximum efficiency.
This is the reason we are omnivores. We REQUIRE a broad variety of foods to satisfy not only our desire for diversity in flavor and texture, but also because there is no one "perfect" food.
I have learned that KALE is the number one vitamin vegetable, and BLUEBERRIES are the number one fruit.
Not sure about a cereal that is full of 'added' vitamins as well as chemicals and preservatives and carbohydrates - the 'make you hungry' stuff!
How do you define 'food'? I guess you could blend together a balanced weeks worth of food and drink that?! I'm no nutitionist though... Space food for astronauts is probably good too.
You could live on milk alone, for the rest of your life
A drink such as Ensure or Breakfast Carnation.
But when it comes to reg. food you def. need a variety. :)