How much do girl scout cookies cost...And is it the same in every state?!
Answers: Girl scout cookies cost????
Girl Scout Cookies are sold by weight, not by size or number. The number and size of cookies may vary by variety. The national Girl Scout organization, Girl Scouts of the USA, monitors the weights of the cookies, which are set by contract.
Girl Scout Cookies sell for different prices in different areas of the country. Each of the 300 plus local Girl Scout councils has the right to set its own price based on its needs and knowledge of the local market. Today's prices, currently $2.50 to $4.00 per box, depending on location, reflect both the current cost of cookies and the realities of providing Girl Scout activities in an ever-changing economic environment.
Yes 3.50
it's $4.
i love samoas!!!!!
$4.00 a box here in california, I think it varies a little by state, up to $1.00 difference in some areas.
It depends what cookies you get...they are usually around $3-$6
I sold 'em for $4.00, I think it is the same or similar everywhere
$3.50 in NH Oh I love the tagalongs!
here in minnesota they go for 3.50