What's your guilty food secret?!
Answers: We all have a food we love which we know is bad for us, that some people may go 'yuuuuuk' at if they saw us eat it, things that aren't meant to go together, you know you shouldn't do it, but when you're along, you switch on the TV and watch something tacky that you'd never admit to and make yourself a nice place of.................................. jam and mayo on toast, greasyrrunny fired egg butties that run down your fingers as you bite, grilled luncheon meat that's sticky and full of fat, banana fritters, ravioli sandwiches with cream cheese, deep fried mars bars, a whole pack of marshallows in hot chocotate, angel delight with cubes of chocolate, cubes of undiluted jelly, what is is it with you, what's your guilty food secret?
Sour cream with bananas and sugar and chopped salted peanuts on top ; peanut butter toast with bacon and bananas, which i believe contributed to Elvis's poor health....ha!
steak pie sandwich - yummy
i think you've got enough guilty food secrets for everyone haha
Wiener sausages and chocolate is a pretty good combination.Same with french fries and sundae ice cream or milkshakes
got to be the original ones but I think they are great and I have dogs that look at me funny when I nick one of their treats
and put a bit of pickle on them....
I also like putting pickle on raw mushrooms....
funny cos I am pregnant but not craved these things, just normal stuff like cheese or doritos....
Cheese and tomato pizza with chocolate on top. It melts and gets all smooshy and the sweet and savory thing works so well together.
Man, now I'm hungry.
Marks & Spencer capuccino cake with a lovely cup of cafe latte. It's not weird but it is my ultimate indulgence. Or having chocolate cake for breakfast - yes I do feel naughty doing that.
Fried salami, fried bologna on toast with mayo and munster cheese, very salty pretzels dipped in sour cream, sliced banana's on buttered bread. Oh, how the arteries scream. ha ha
wendy's french fries to dip in wendy's frosty, and malt vinegar and mustard on everything!!
Caught! I like to buy a box of Russel Stovers Nuggets and Nuts chocolate covered candy and eat a couple of pieces at night with my coffee. Of course it feels way indulgent so I keep my box hidden. I try to only eat 2 pieces but if truth be told there are certain times of the month I could devour the entire box in a matter of minutes. Sigh......
i have no food secrets , people who know me are not shocked by anything i come up w/ , hhhmmm i'll have to take care of that .