Can you eat safely, defrosted food that's then frozen again?...?!
Answers: I know the likes of veg are ok to eat, chicken & pork - no! However, I thought my fridge/freezer had broken down and out of the blue, the next day, after shifting a load into someone else's freezer and leaving one or two defrosted things in there - as they seemed perfectly happy, chilled, ready to eat soon (was my plan) - it 'started to work again' ! ... :-(... so I forgot to take a couple of things out of the freezer - haggis (vegetarian) and bacon - will I just bin them?
The reason twice frozen food is bad is because the second freezing disrupts the cells in the food. lyces them or punctures their membrane. This makes all the nutrients from inside the cell available to bacteria without the protection of the cell wall. Food spoils very rapidly.
I know it's very dangerous to eat any twice frozen meat. While I've never heard the same about vegetables, I'd assume this is also dangerous.
Better to pitch the refrozen stuff. This is less expensive then getting food poisioning.
cook it then you can refreeze it...but not thawed.
I would bin them, take no chances.
If it's any type of meat that has defrosted then refrozen, do not eat it.
I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to become ill, haven't you seen labels on packs of food telling you not to refreeze when defrosted.
Bin them. Food goes weird when you do that to it. Tastes horrible. The bacon is a definite no-no.
Bin it!!! you must not use food that has been frozen defrosted refrozen.
Safety first bin them,"22
This question comes up at least once a week. Again, you can refreeze anything provided it was properly thawed. EVEN MEAT. Proper thawing is done in the refer so the temperature never gets above 40 (or 45). At this temperature practically no pathogens will grow. Therefore it is safe to refreeze. The biggest concern food microbiologists have (and this is what everyones parroting back) is that the food was thawed on the counter where the outside could get warm enough to support microbial growth while the center is still frozen. If you put such food back in the freezer the bacteria or their toxins will be already present and potentially harmful.
PhD Food Chemistry and Nutrition