What's your favorite thing in the world?!
Answers: MY I-POD without music i would DIE seriously =)
sex... i mean good sex
the question was "whats your favorite "thing" right???? not person??? relax people!!!!!
my family
Chineese Food Yeyah bam son!!!!
good weed
That's kind of a hard one, I have so many. But I would have to say my 2 month old, Destini. Who wouldn't choose their kids? And if children were out of the question I'd say, flavored water or chap stick, lol.
music>my chemical romance and evanescence
My wife and kids which they were a gift from God!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter shes 3 going on 30 and a little bossy boots!! Shes too clever for her own good and certainly puts me in my place!! God help me when shes a teenager and bringing boys home!!!! lol!!
Well after Jesus, I'd have to say dance is my favorite...
good foood and having a great time! :]
Money ..!!
Id have to say sex!
makes u feel youg even if ur old! lol
the love of my life, he is my world :)