I got a salad for lunch and I am still hungry. What to do?!
Answers: I got a Wendy's salad for lunch today, a filling salad with chili and cheese on it. But I am still hungry. I can't go back out of my work building for more food because lunch is over. What should I do now?
Fatty foods and protein tend to trigger the gut to produce the "I'm Full" hormone more quickly than fruit and vegetables.
I agree with the suggestion to drink water. Gum can help; depends on whether it distracts you or just focuses your mind on feeling hungry.
I find that if I tear into a project or something that occupies my thoughts, the time passes quickly and it gives my stomach time to report that it's full.
Drink a tall glass of water. Then chew on some gum to help keep you distracted.
Aw that sucks! Next time eat real food. But for now all I can try to do is suggest that you buy some snacks from the vending machine at work, if you don't have a vending machine at work then I have no idea what you could do, just starve for a little while. I hope you get food. =)
Is there a vending machine that has protein bars or maybe a co-worker that has a stash of snacks? For now, that's the best you can do. Try drinking more water. Sometimes when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty, Drink a glass and see how you feel after.
Next time you eat a salad, make sure you have some lean protein in it. And always bring a snakc from home that has lots of fiber like carrots and ranch dressing or celery and peanut butter. Fibrous snacks fill you up longer.
Not much you can do, just don't eat rabbit food tomorrow!
Any friends? I’d shoot out an email and see what I can get people to offer. Yeah, drink some water in the meantime. You really don’t have any food stashed at work?? I always have food!
drink all the water you want, maybe get some veggie snacks like sliced peppers, cucumbers, carrots
Drink water :)
But suck it through your lips and it feels like you're eating something. Next time you eat chew threw it all really well and drink lots with it.
Taking a chocolate drink for lunch like slim fast I think would help some.