Can Eating Licorice , Give you the Trots ?!
Answers: i hear that it can if you eat it in large amounts
yes it is a natural laxative! It makes your poo black if you eat too much too!! lol
yes its a laxotive
yes its a natural laxative
yes it can its a very good laxative - and tastes nasty to me - yuk
yes it helps u poooooooooo
Yes it is a natural laxative.
Oh yes liquorice is a laxative
I ate lots when I was at school. Sherbet Dabs, Laces, pontefrat Cakes. No Problem!!!
Yes but I would find it hard to eat in large amounts anyway.
Yes, I found out the hard way that its a laxative, and it turns your poo green.
Oh yes !!!
Oh God YES. Wouldn't want to be in your bathroom in the morning!
Natural laxative but it makes your poo green if you eat alot of it.
How do you all know what colour my poo is?
As a child I was brought back a boat load from Spain. I ate most of it in one sitting. Didn't give me the runs, but I can still remember how black my shite was! Also I used to have a lot of the licorice stick the natural licorice wood. Never had any probs.
Eating too much liquorice can do more than give you the 'trots'. It also attacks your liver and you can end up in hospital. It recently happened to one lady who got through two ounces of it every day for nearly a month. She was very poorly and now left with permanent liver problems. So be very careful how much you eat.