What is the shelf life of extra virgin olive oil?!
Answers: after the bottle has been opened?
About 4 to 6 months. It depends on what color the container is, and heat around it. If it is in a dark colored glass container it will hold longer. If it is opened or in a clear bottle it will deteriorate faster. If it is in a clear or light colored bottle the sun will affect it, causing the taste to sour along with bleaching it. Heat will also do the same thing. If you buy it put it in a dark bottle or put aluminum foil around the lighter or clear bottle so that it will last longer.
I agree with everything in the first answer, and also - storing it in a dark place is always important. : )
This depends on the position you put it and depends on the type of oil.
i also agree with autum's answer. also, try to store the bottle in a cool dark place; for example in a cupboard far away from the oven and from any heaters. don't forget to check the expiry date on the bottle before you buy it and make sure that it is far enough away that you will be able to consume all the oil before it expires.