How do you get Milk from a Cow ?!
Answers: My wife uses it all before i can get to it !
OK...get yourself a bucket, place it under the the cow, just below the teats....look the cow in the eye and say "give" if that doesn't work try saying "please give". as a last resort, go to the rear of the cow, grab the tail, and work it up and down in a pumping motion. Milk will now flow freely from the teats. If your wife beats you to the cow, tie a rubber band around one of the teats to stop the flow.....that one's yours. Be sure to kiss the cow and say thank you.
First you have to clean the teat, Barnaby!
Get up earlier
Get up earlier!
lol thats funny,
Go to the supermarket and buy it from one of the cows at the checkout!!!
stash an emergency bottle in the back of the the fridge
The same way you get milk from a bull, go get em'
Squeeze the **** hard and slowly.
well first of all you get a big sharp knife then you cut the cow in half and just pour it out
The question should be who first got milk from a cow and what were they thinking of at the time?
mmmmmmmmmmm? you milk it!!!!!!!!