Why do my hamburger buns and hotdog buns sometimes get damp?!
Answers: They are inside the plastic bag with the tie on it.
That closed bag will cause condensation sometimes, depending on what type of buns you have purchased. Us Yankees can keep them out of the frig this time of year, but please, loosed the twist tie on the bag and don't leave them on top of your refrigerator! The bottom of the bad tends to get hard. For us Southern people, they must be kept in the frig but you can pull them out and warm them to room temperature before using them. I have also noticed that Wheat Buns, don't hold too well at room temperature, they are better kept and have longer shelf life in the frig. Hopes this helps and save you some bucks!
Condensation. Leave the bag open.
Keep all BREAD in Frig.. I do..it lasts longer. And don't buy cheap buns..buy Coblestone or Wonder
With all the moisture in the sandwitch concealed in a bag it is bound to get damp.