How do you eat affordably?!
Answers: What are things you do to save money when buying groceries?
Coupons are lifesavers, but do not go out of the way to buy things that you wouldn't normally eat or use.
My bf and I do costco shopping for bulk frozen food, mainly chicken and frozen veggies. This we can use anytime and can make a dozen different recipes.
Once a week, we'll either go to the farmers market or grocery store to pick up veggies, fruits, eggs, and milk. But we only buy little bits so nothing goes to waste. We can make up the rest in frozen veggies. It's also great because fresh veggies taste better in general.
If you see a good bargain somewhere, it is time to stock up. I love when stores have 10 items for $10. That's when I bulk up on the canned and boxed items (veggies, soups, pasta, snacks, etc). Again, only buy what you use or need. Don't buy that gallon of soda just because it's "only a dollar."
Most importantly, try to incorporate whatever you have on hand and eat all the leftovers.
I'm a coupon clipper. I also buy things in bulk from the local wholesale warehouse like meats.
Also, when something that I use is on sale, I buy it whether I need it then or not - it saves me from having to buy it at full price later.
Buy in bulk when you can.
Cut back on the expensive foods
Cut back on the size of the portions.
Shop daily to find the marked down items
Weekly specials
Shop around (often some of the smaller vegetable shops will beat the markets at pricing)
coupons, shop sales, buy one get one & plan my menu around the "bargains"
I grocery shop once a week and only buy things i KNOW i will eat that week. Saves me alot of money, and then I dont waste anything.
I try not to buy branded goods as you usually pay more for advertising. I also don't buy processed food. It's all very natural and simple. Even though my meat is organic and free range I still save money from not buying lots of cakes and crisps etc.
U shud buy dollar menu items from Muck yuck's!!!!
Coupons ofcourse, buy least expensive food (Bargin hunting) like there are many type of orange juice/grape juice that cost 2.35$ and other higher brands cost 3.15$. So i always go for the cheapest ones. Don't buy stuff that won't do you any good. Buy only foods you need. To save money you have to sacrafice leaving out all them junkies and chocolate cookies, pies and cakes or chips. Buy nutritous foods and relax. You save money (make a plan of what you need and calculate). Shopping at Walmart also save me money. :)
you eat all the crap that's bad for your health and makes you fat
Not buying prepackaged foods seems to have cut down on our grocery bill alot. That and cutting meat out of the menu a couple days a week.
I make a list and try to stick to it, and I try to never go to the store hungry.
veggies and less meat
leftovers...everything is better the next day....pastas, homemade soups....I do a larger portion and then eat it again, later on from the freezer
make sure you don't go to the grocery store when you are hungry and make a menu to plan out what you are going to be eating and buy only that. its healthier and saves money
You know those supermarket circulars that you get in the mail every week?? They send those out for a reason.....My shopping is about the sale items....We have learned to eat very well around the sales........I splurge every now and then, but if you know what's on sale (the circulars usually come out a day or two before the sale hits, and it's usually on for a week) You can get some great bargains......EXAMPLE: Our local Stater Brother's supermarket has (this is ONLY AN EXAMPLE) 10 jars of ANY Ragu Pasta Topping for $10....that's a dollar a jar, and NO I don't need 10 jars right now, but they are shelf stable for a year or more.....And I have it if I need it......That's a good strategy, NO, I'm NOT going to use 10 cans of jumbo black olives at once, but they are in my pantry if and when I need them......Email me at my 360 page and I'll send you a list of pantry (all shelf stable) items that I feel are "must haves" on hand so that you don't have to make those pesky trips to the store........
Try to find recipes beforehand that use the same ingredients. Or I’ll search for recipes that will use what’s in the frig or pantry already. Produce is expensive. A bell pepper is about $3, onions are pretty pricey. I use a little less of those two ingredients in a recipe. I dice up the bell peppers and onions (make sure they are not wet) and place in freezer bags in quantities of ? a cup. If you’re adding those to a stew or to a crockpot- you don’t have to thaw first. I just let them sit out for a few minutes before sautéing. Ground beef costs less in the 5# package. I buy frozen Tyson chicken breasts in a large bag at Sam’s and they are a whole lot less than the grocery store. I always stock up on sale items, especially the b1g1free. I try to save as much as I can because I also spend a lot of fruits and those are rarely on sale.
Dont go shopping when u r hungry because u will buy things from impulse. U probably wont eat it once u get home and just bought it cuz u were hungry at the time
Grow your own! Save on expensive fruits and vegies such as tomatoes (grows in containers too) letuce, herbs, figs and trade or barter you excess for other foods (i.e. eggs, potatoes, honey etc)
Tomatoes are $3 - $4 a pound (= to about 1 slicing tomato)