Weird smell?!
where is it coming from and what do i do??
Answers: comming from kitchin...i was making rice..just plain white srice but i cooked it wronh so i put it in the sink where that food thing that grinds up food in the house is..and like ugh theres just this smell or garbage or something
where is it coming from and what do i do??
if the smell is coming from your garbage disposal, you can put lemon peels (small pieces) in there and grind them up...that'll help....
clean through all the ubbords and fridge ull find out . maybe soemthigns rotten
Stop throwing food down the drain for starters. and it's probably the grease trap.
The rice was bad (old)...You clean it out and its called a disposal "the thing in the sink where that food thing that grinds up food"
Are you sure it's "plain" and not Basmati ?
That always smells like a rabbits cage to me !!!!
I do like it though.!
its from the pipe under the food grinder or sink or whatever. ther is some in there rotting away.
I like what "momma bear " said
If it is coming from your garbage disposal, pour some baking soda down the disposal. Then pour in white vinegar. It will bubble up, that's normal. When the bubbling stops, turn on your water and the garbage disposal and let the water run through it for 30 seconds.
You should clean out kitchen drains and garbage disposals this way once in a while to keep them cleaner and odor-free.
Have you run the waste disposal unit after putting the cooked rice into it? To get rid of the smell either pour bleach into the opening and run the waste disposal unit or pour baking soda into the opening and leave it for 30 minutes then run the waste disposal unit. Flush with hot water after either solution.