Ok...Cheetos or Doritos...which do you prefer?!
Answers: Doritos - to dip tabouli. Oh My God to die for.
I dont really eat chips anymore but of the two choices I like Doritos more...the cool ranch kind.
doritos, more variety
Doritos...when I eat too many cheetos, I feel a little queasy.
Cheetos of course
Cheetos - the crunchy ones.
Doritos for surrrreeeeeeeeee!
hot cheetos
Cheetos, the Flaming Hot ones.
Neither. I used to eat a lot of the Flamin' Hot Cheetos but gave up on chips--it's not that healthy. :)
Doritos make you fart... so i would say cheetos....
I like Both but doritos got all them flavors man.
cheetos...hot ones. Doritos gives you dragon breath.
Cheetos yum crunchy
Doritos without a doubt!!!!!!!
Diffinatly Doritos........yumm
HOT CHEETOS!!!!!!! ALL THE WAY!!!!! doritos are good to though
Cheetos!!! I prefer the HOT ones or the PUFFY ones=)!
doritos the blue onesss
I'm going to have to go with Doritos, because there are so many different kinds to choose from. Gives you more of a variety.
hands down its gotta be cheetos flaming hots!! they just came out with the flaming cheetos puffs - addictive!
Cheetos--the white cheddar ones.