Why do they sell hotdogs in pkgs of 10 and buns in pkgs of 8?!
Answers: because when the average family sits down to dinner the extra weiners are for the baby who prefers them as sliced up finger food which means minus the buns.. :)
i dont know but its frustrating isnt it?
Your right thats weird!
So you will spend more money.
it's called marketing. And some guy got very rich off of that little idea.
A good question! Many hotdogs now come in packs of 8 so check it out in your grocery.
The rule used to be that 10 hotdogs make a pound but brands like Ballpark, Kuntzler's, OM and Nathan's now come 8/pound.
Mmmm this category always makes me hungry!
statistically every 2 out of 10 people are drastically cutting back on carbohydrates :)
To make us pull our hair out wondering why in the hell they would do something like that.
you got that question out of the movie "BULLET PROOF MONK" don't even try to deny it....
because buns take up more packaging dunno lol
So you will buy more dogs, so you will buy more buns, so you will buy more dogs, so you will buy more buns and so on and so on and so on.
Simple!They want you to eat 2 hot dogs without buns. !
Because the hot dog companies are in kahoots with the bun companies. ha ha ha. I know...it's maddening isn't it. I always end up with a few wrapped up packs of hot dogs in the freezer...each with only two in them. Crazy.
If I see this question one more time I will weep, so many people ask this, please just read the answers other people have given...save us all the grief......