Fast food or at home?!
Answers: which would you choose?
It depends on many things such as;
*how hard/easy was your day?
*how bothered can you be to cook?
*How much money you can afford?
*Do you have a partner/friend to impress?
*how good are your cooking skills?
And I'm sure I can find some more. However, having worked in the food industry for few years (in posh restaurant, food factory and motoway services), If you cook at home, you KNOW what goes in your food, if you buy ready done (fast food, or ready meal warmed up at home), you would be put off but the way it's been prepared and all the additive which go in it (no good for your physical nor your mental health).
I know what i go for, up to you to make the best choice according to the above list.
Bon appetit
At home.... it's cheaper, healthier and can be just as fast.
fast food!
I like to make dinner so we eat at home alot, about once every two weeks we get fast food but i enjoy cooking and the meals are definately healthier...
fast food is so yummy :]
Home cooked is the only way to go...
I love homemade meals! Fast food is when your 'lazy' & dont want to cook, dont get me wrong, I like it, but I choose yummy homade meals anyday!
Home. A much bigger variety, you can make it as healthy as you want, and you can have as much as you want, (Until running out) without worrying about money. =D
You can make the fast food that you want at home. Try doing that and make it improved to your taste buds.
as much as we love fast food i would have to say home it is a better healthier choice and making good choices is a good start to a better future
At home - saves money and you'll probably eat something healthier - unless you go to Subway or something like that.
I have to say home over fast food because when you prepare and cook your own food you can control what goes into it. I love cooking and my partner often cooks with me which makes it even more fun. It's a challenge when you try out new recipes and you learn so much when you cook for yourself. I actually collect cookbooks - I just love well made food. The only advantage for me eating fast food is I can throw away the wrappers and viola NO DISHES! I hate doing the dishes and can't wait to remodel the kitchen and put a dishwasher in.
I love to cook and never eat any kind of fast food. I distrust fast food as I don't know how clean the place is, who knows what crap ingredients they are using, and let's not even talk about preservatives, fat, sugar, and other junk they put in their so-called food. But, when you think how much you are paying for that hamburger and how cheap you can make it at home, you'll live a lot longer if you cook your own stuff.
depends on the fast food place subway, BBQ, or a chicken teriyaki place. other than that home is better.
I cook three times a day, at least six days a week.Given the choice, I choose fast food.Subway is good and a healthier option!