If you throw-up after you eat wont you be hungry again?!
Answers: i wouldnt do it!! but i was thinking........ and now i want to know
I don't know about anyone else, but I never feel like eating after I vomit. So, my answer would be no.
when i thrown up i kinda be hungry
I do not think so because if you eat and you feel full it is your stomach telling your brain that and it does not need to eat until the next time you usually eat.
yes, i think you would get hungry since your not actually digesting the food
actually, yes, because then your stomach is looking to replace the nutrients that went away when the person threw up.
you will be hungry in a couple mins ...it doesnt last
well wen u throw-up and see wat WAS in ur body do u really think u'r going 2 be hungry again -.-
After a while when your stomach settles down & gets back to normal then you'll be hungry again. It takes time for your body to adjust back.
No, I just think about the vomit that came out of my mouth and my appetite doesn't come back for a while.