What are all the the things that garlic is good for?!
It contains at least three antibiotics, so it also
preserves food somewhat.
(There is an apochriphal story that an extraction of
garlic in wine protected four condemned criminals
who elected to remove the dead of plague stricken
Paris rather than be hanged.)
It is said to lower blood pressure, (???).
Answers: It seasons food.
It contains at least three antibiotics, so it also
preserves food somewhat.
(There is an apochriphal story that an extraction of
garlic in wine protected four condemned criminals
who elected to remove the dead of plague stricken
Paris rather than be hanged.)
It is said to lower blood pressure, (???).
Seasoning is about it. You can't use it for cleaning, because it makes things smell. Garlic makes your breath smell, so nobody eats a chunk of garlic. So really it only seasons food.
And it wards off vampires :)
spaghetti pizza and other Italian dinners
to season food or to keep the vampires away!