Ice lolly or ice cream?!
Answers: Which do you prefer and why?
it really depends on how you feel. sometimes, you feel like eating ice lolly since ice lollies are cold and are like juice. so they're perfect for the summer or when you're feeling hot. ice cream's just good anytime. well both aren't good during winter...but over all, good. ice cream actually makes you feel better. i remember when i was crying so hard from a relationship, we had a business fair in school, so my teacher bought me ice cream since i felt sad and it made me so much better. and ice cream's nice to just eat a tub of! =)
ice lolly, it's colder.
Oh I like them both. altough I prefer cola ice lolly's and ice cream I like almost all of them xD especially when it comes with a little umbrella or little biscuits hmm yum
Maan, now you made me hungry
ice cream
Hmm... im thinking somewhere in between. Does a cornetto count as an ice lolly or an icecream? Cos it is technically icecream but comes in a form similar to an ice lolly?
have them both ,there both yummy
Ice cream......... it's more fattening......... And that's a GOOD thing...........
hmmm both lol though it depends on my mood
Lolly, definitely. Ice cream is lovely but can be a bit too creamy for me at times. Lollies on the other hand are great in the summer and if you're ill and can't stand any solids.
Ice cream! It's so much better! Ice lollies usually loose their taste after about 5 mins.
I love them both, but I think ice cream is better, but I prefer sorbet to ice cream. I prefer it because its colder and ice lollies don't have a very strong taste and the flavours aren't as nice.
i like ice lolly . simply because i dont like the taste of ice cream
lolly much more refreshing
Ice lolly
Ice cream...its more satisfying and there are so many different types! I think its much more comforting to eat and you can get cookie dough flavour so its the best!
Ice cream i just love it , I love magnum lollies but i dont like juice type ice lollies