Why do I get the really strong urge to drink milk after eating chocolate?!
Answers: Seriously, though I can't eat chocolate (or syrup for that matter) without HAVING to drink a glass of milk. Why is this?
i have too...
maybe chocolate and milk is just destined to be together, except for lactosse intollerent people...
Childhood habit? Did you drink a lot of chocolate milk or such?
I have the strong urge to drink milk always...
Chocolate and milk are an awesome combo. Seriously, imagine a world full of brownies but no milk. It's only natural. Chocolate is so awesome by itself and milk is the perfect thing to wash down the rich chocolatey-ness without losing the richness (because milk is rich too...imagine washing chocolate down with water, eck!)
^lol at the above answer but it's so true
they're such good combinations..don't lose the habit