Have you ever tasted a southern "Coca Cola Cake" ? How was it?!
Answers: yummy, my mom use to make it for my birthday. Try it.
Well I am from California originally and had never had one until I visited Texas and had one at a restaurant there. Not sure if all coca cola cakes are chocolate based, but the one I had was and OMG was it the best ever. I went to a Cracker Barrel once after that and had one at Christmas time, and it was good to (also chocolate) but it wasn't nearly as good as that first bite in Texas!
Mein, I tried that once and it was GOOD!!! Now I'm trying to find a good recipe to make it, but all the ones on the internet I've found so far aren't so good. :(
yes. i am from the south and there are lots of different recipes for the cake. everyone has there own version. did you try the southern living website. they have some good ones. also there is a coca cola cookbook that is fabulous. i saw it at the Cracker Barrel. if not your local bookstore should have it, or can order it.