Why do people like splenda over sugar.?!
I can always tell, myself. I personally don't like poison in my food, thankies.
By the way, that whole "made from sugar, tastes like sugar" thing is B.S.
Well, as much as saying oil is made from dinos and so acts like dinos.
Answers: Because your body cannot convert it into sugar, so it doesn't have calories. It tastes similar, as well.
I can always tell, myself. I personally don't like poison in my food, thankies.
By the way, that whole "made from sugar, tastes like sugar" thing is B.S.
Well, as much as saying oil is made from dinos and so acts like dinos.
i love splenda!
tastes good, and no carbs or calories!
and i can barely tell any difference anyway.
and it doesnt cause cancer.
no calories
splenda causes cancer
less calories
because splenda doesn't have many calories.
because you don't get as fat DUHHH!!!!!
whats the diffrence
splenda low calories?
I'm an NOT one of those people. Sugar is much better.
well no sugar no carbs!
Because it is a low calorie sweetener and unlike other sweeteners it is made from sugar cane.....
idk they say its made from sugar to taste like sugar, yet they say its not sugar.
its actually really bad for you
i use sugar in the raw its unbleached sugar its like brown sugar but it comes in a box
bacause there no calories in splenda, it has no effect on your blood sugars, and no damage to your teeth.
I like splenda because i think it tastes better...
I have thought the same thing. Cuz Splenda advertises it is made from sugar but it is a sweetener. That is a deep question lol.
eat sugar.it is a pure food.splenda is a composition of chemicals,including chlorine.
I don't use Splenda, I use Stevia.
It's a natural sweetener that has many health benefits.
Its better for you and it taste slightly like sugar. but I still prefer sugar. I hope its not like the butter-magerine theory. First they said margerine was better but then they said butter was butter and now butter is still better.
Sugar has calories.
bcuz it has less calories. pesonally i think it is gross and artificial sugars r bad 4 u. ive heard that it causes cancer
because it really has no taste difference and it is bettre for you. Me personally I still use sugar, but when I cook holiday meals I use splenda because there are a few members that are diabetic
i don't eat sugar at all but splenda is sweeter and has more artificial flavoring in it. i can't stand it i have sweet foods like candy eww and it makes you fat
DONT EAT SPLNDA!!!! its 3% pure chemicals so its even worse for you than real sugar. if you want a health sweetener use sugar in the raw.
suposebly it swetter and isnt real sugar and has no carbs
because they think it's actually better for them when in fact, it's actually worse. Everyone needs to use either brown sugar or sugar in the raw or any natural sweeteners not white sugar and definitely not nutrasweet
I think people think its better for them, right!!! The amount you would use for sugar you would have to double it to get the same taste as real sugar, makes no sence!!
Real sugar can not be immitated completley by another product. I wouls rather have sugar over splendar any day. How do you feel about it????
Some people like splenda because it is a very low calorie sweetner. It also doesn't "trick" your pancreas into creating insulin like many other artificial sweetners do. Personally, I think Splenda is kinda gross, I like Equal.
People prefer it because splenda doesn't give you headaches and gross feeling throats if you eat too much of it. Sadly though I still eat sugar :)
hey check out my question
Tasts better, sweeter, and 0 carbs, whats not to love.