When is your favorite time to eat lunch?!
Answers: Mine is anywhere from 11:00am to 1:00pm
erhhh.between 11:00 and 2:00.i love that time especially if its syummer time just hang out in our pool and the warm breeze yeay.and the food.who could go wrong..
nice question [=
I am usually up late so therefore, my time shifts anywhere from 11 am to 3 pm.
11:00 AM when I'm at work, and on the weekends it's never really a set time. I feed my daughter first and then if I can and have a chance, I'll eat. =)
11:30 am
My favorite time to eat lunch would be when ever I get hungry. LOL I am not to much on the keeping meals on a time limit. I tried that and it just flew right out the window. So I eat when my kids are hungry.
About 12 noon....
Cocoa and I drink our Slim Fast about 12. How is the temp there.? Many reports here that the Target down the st. got hit by tornado but it looks o.k. to me. Tore up all around it.