How long before fresh scallops and fish go bad?!
Answers: How long can you keep fresh scallops and or fresh fish in the fridge before it goes bad? As a rule of thumb...I know what they look like when they go bad and what they smell like... I usually buy it the day of or the day before I make it..I'm just curious to know how long I can keep it in the fridge before its no case say I buy it and the the next night I'm going to make and I get a call to go out to dinner with family..etc.. Thx
about 2 days maybe 3 any time past that and it gets bad.
Well I think I heard before you can buy fish for up to 2 days in the fridge before. Honestly, myself I always make a point to buy it the same day just because I am so nervous about it going bad in the fridge! That way I know I am going to use it right when I get back from the shop.
2-3 days. It will last longer, but you really should eat it the day you buy it, or put it in the freezer.
2 days, or by the smell
you should freeze them immediately , or use them immediately . They do not last
not sure but i'd like to know my self.