What good are carrots?!
What are they good for?
Good eyesight??
Answers: I love them and eat them as snacks alot.
What are they good for?
Good eyesight??
It makes our eyes adapt quickly to darkness so that you can see quickly
not good eyesight.. but the improve the overall health of the eyes.
they supposedly improve eyesight but i think you need to eat TONs
Old wives tale. They dont contain enough beta carotene to have an effect on your eyesight.
Good source of vits & minerals, good source of fiber & taste brilliant raw. Thats good enough for me )
Uhm-- among other nutrients, one of the highest sources of vitamin A available. Without vitamin A -- you lose your sight.
Completely disregard Amy and Angelea-- they're dumb-- people worked for year to make a rice which contains Vitamin A to prevent people in 3rd world countries from going blind. It's called "Golden Rice" (look it up). Carrots are naturally loaded with it as are sweet potatoes.
Actually, carrots are VERY good for night vision. The Beta Carotene helps to promote night vision. Make sure to wash them and eat the peel and all! Happy seeing!
Beta Carotene,or Vitamin A, Also Vitamin C, good for eye sight,and immunity.
yeah i think that it though i hate carets