Don't really understand the '5 a day' rule?!

Question: I bought some small cartons of smoothies for the kids. The one I opened contained 12 strawberries, 24 grapes 1/2 orange & 1/2 a banana. On the front of the carton, it said that this carton was '1 of your 5 a day'. How can this be?

Surely, if I was to sit down at eat 12 strawberries & 24 grapes on their own, is this not enough to qualify for my 2 a day? If now, how many strawberries & grapes should I eat to have my 2 a day?

Answers: I bought some small cartons of smoothies for the kids. The one I opened contained 12 strawberries, 24 grapes 1/2 orange & 1/2 a banana. On the front of the carton, it said that this carton was '1 of your 5 a day'. How can this be?

Surely, if I was to sit down at eat 12 strawberries & 24 grapes on their own, is this not enough to qualify for my 2 a day? If now, how many strawberries & grapes should I eat to have my 2 a day?

Having juice or a smoothie, even if you had ten glasses a day would still only count as one.

Your body does not work as hard to digest liquid as it does the real thing ie fruits and vegetables. Yo have to have a variety as well, spread out through the day.

Officially, a "serving" is 80 grams, so "2 a day" would be 160g of fresh fruit and/or vegetables.
I believe that a smoothie or juice can only count as 1 serving no matter how much you drink, since there is less/no fibre in them
I try to get 9 servings a day, but only because I work out and my body needs the extra vitamins in my opinion, 9 a day was going to be the slogan of the campaign but they reduced it to 5 because it was more catchy and less daunting for the masses, 9 a day is what most nutritionists would recomend.

you should eat 5 portions of fruit or veg a day
one way to get one of them is to drink fruit smoothies as 1 portion and then you only need 4 more !

Yep.. I know exactly what you mean. You would be bursting at the seems. I have never been able to eat five portions of fruit & veg aday. I am not saying it can not be done as a friend I have does it. I might have an apple or two during the day & some veg with my dinner. I don not think I ever eat the required amount. My kid is not bad he loves his fruit. He gets 3 to4 good portions a day from grapes rasberries strawberries, oranges etc. But I still think he falls short of the recommed daily amount. Old habbits die hard in my case. But I hope I can get my kids eating a balanced diet.

yes i understand why you dont understand its not very clear... but they say a portion of strawberries or grapes or whatever...count as 1 of the 5.... I think 2 plums count as 1 of the 5. Apples, Bananas ect count as 1

Mixed veg with your dinner/lunch count as 1 or 2 depending on the amount...

Not all smoothies are healthy. I understand a portion of each of the 5 a day should be a small handful. Where smoothies are concerned they should contain the whole fruit (minus pips/seeds).

People go overboard with trying to count how many berries,how many peas and how many grapes to eat to get their 5 a day.If everyone shovels down portions of fruit and vegetables to suit themselves,they should be fine.What is the point of worrying yourself silly over exact quantities.Enjoy it!

Ok, it really depends on what country you're in...but the basis is the same. The recomm is generally 5 veg serves and 2 fruit serves.

1 serve veg = 1/2 cup of cooked OR 1 cup salad
1 serve fruit = 1 medium-sized piece OR 2 small pieces OR 1/2 cup chopped fruit
Yes, 24 grapes and 12 strawberries would certainly qualify as 2 serves, but a smoothie is apparently considered as only one serve. The message is that you are better off eating the fruit than drinking it (d/t fibre content).
After seeing the message on the carton, the idea is that you now focus on trying to get a variety of veges for your 5 serves for the day.

Good luck! :)

Because a fruit drink only qualifies for one portion.

Now matter how much you drink..

ONE portion = 80g = any of these
1 apple, banana, pear, orange
1 handful of grapes, cherries or berries

That having fruit and veg 5-a-day is good for you and you should maintain those standards before your health is at risk.Drinking smoothies is another way of doing it and basically cooking nice and simple vegetarian type meals using a combination of those vegeatbles and fruit.Well i don't know why don't you go ask a nutritionist or dietician.

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