Tea: Is a cup of tea a good thing to drink after dinner, or should I wait an hour or two?!
Its stomach settling properties also help with digestion and regularity.
any more than that drinking it RIGHT after dinner will contribute to malnutirition among other things.
a heavy dinner, low in nutrients, however, can be followed by green tea with nothing but positive results.
similar to coffee, green tea can be good, but bad if used too often.
Answers: 2-3 times a week it can be very beneficial.
Its stomach settling properties also help with digestion and regularity.
any more than that drinking it RIGHT after dinner will contribute to malnutirition among other things.
a heavy dinner, low in nutrients, however, can be followed by green tea with nothing but positive results.
similar to coffee, green tea can be good, but bad if used too often.
Wait, it may give you heartburn.
Drink tea whenever you feel like it!
you should wait...theres an element in tea which can prevent you absorbing iron and other vital nutrients from ur food.
it can b a contributing cause of anemia.
Tea is healthy. But like anything else, moderation.
It wont hurt you a bit. It might even settle your stomach better.