What is the best kind of pie?!
Answers: I'm just curious to see what ppl think about pie...
I like apple. Although I want to try blueberry...
Cherry pie ;) ;) ;)
Banana Cream Pie Yummmmmmy
I like apple pie
French Silk
Blueberry or custard! Mmmm....yummy!! : )
peanut butter pie mmmmm
i like cherry
steak and kidney. chicken and mushroom
Hands down homemade Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie or Sweet Potato Pie.....YUMMMY!
pecan (vanilla ice cream)
pumpkin (whip cream)
Blue Berry pie and's it's really delisoius.
Cherry Pie
Apple Pie
Blueberry Pie
apple pie or lemon meringue pie
Any pie is good pie. Well, except cow pies.
I like homemade Dutch Apple! With vanilla ice cream!
Strawberry Pie with lots of whip cream.