A question about fruit?!
Answers: my hubby eats everything on fruit, peel and pips, he says the ruffage is good for you. is it ok to eat pips, peels, skins and corks. we have been having this conversation on and off for a while. i say to him it cant be good for you, he says it is good for you. out of curisosity just wondered how many folk out there actually do eat everything on a piece of fruit like my hubby does.
obviously the skin on some fruits is ok,and yes i know of some people eating the whole apple,but you should watch out eating pips though as they can get into the appendix and cause inflamation etc.if he can stomach the peel of orange or banana then i suppose its not going to harm him
ick that cant be good for you.
OMG, ahhhh, never eat the peel on bananas!!
Of course you can eat it. Just be sure to wash the fruit very well first to get rid of some of the topical pesticides.
I eat apple cores, I think Im the only one though.
I only eat apple skin, but was told by my parents not to swallow the pips or you would grow an apple tree in your tummy!!!............I still cant swallow apple pips!!
I have been known to eat apples core 'n' all, and like kiwi fruit without peeling but I draw the line at bananas & oranges!!
Lol it sure won't hurt you! this made me laugh because my 5 yr old son does this when he started having whole apples instead of me cutting them for him he ate the lot! ohh well i thought, he still does this today. Your hubby surely does'nt eat banana and orange peel though does he?? yuk!!
Pears, apples, things like that, Ok!! but that stuff is totally undigestible so it would be like the "fiber" the food gurus keep telling us to eat.
My brother said why eat a potato if you are peeling off all the vitamins and minerals!! he washes them and sometimes cooks them in the peel then eats all of it.
Does he have big hairy hands?
i dont but i eat most of it
I've read somewhere that apple pips contain arsenic,but I'm guessing that you'd have to eat quite a few before you were poisoned!
I can't eat cherries without also eating the stone,not sure why,but I can't stop myself!