Healthier veggies how?!
Answers: yeah take a little more time on some of your questions good questions though i think i answered alot of your food questions .veggies steam you can buy a steamer i recommend the black and Decker steamer , don't worry its 120 not battery operated .and it drains so you can pour it back over collecting the vitamins and added flavors. i recommend a recipe spice bag by emerills just get the better salads and vegetable spices . also take time to read what all veggies can be steamed so you have a greater selection , but i love mushrooms , broccoli squash cabbage asparagus
I'm not understanding the question you asked, but i'll try to see what i THINK you're talking about.
You could be asking how to eat healthier veggies, as in prepare them?
Steamed, raw, lemon juice.
steam them! you can use a crock pot, or those ziplock microwave steam bags...they lose all of the vitamins when they're overcooked.