Why do people who live "up North," I assume, insist on calling an outdoor cooking device a "barbecue?&quo!
Answers: A grill is NOT a barbecue. Barbecue is MEAT cooked in a certain slow way over certain types of wood. Also the word barbecue can be used to mean a party, as in "We are going to a barbecue tonight." Barbecue is MEAT, not a cooking device. Learn from people in the South where barbecue started. Any thoughts?
Because to us, a barbecue is a propane, gas, charcoal, or wood-fired cooking implement. It's also an event where the food is generally cooked on a barbecue. A grill is a flat metal grill that you fry things on, like in a restaurant.
It's simply different names for the same thing - not uncommon in the English language: lift=elevator, pop=soda, windshield=windscreen, etc. We may all speak basically the same language, the there are different "dialects" (for want of a better word) of it spoken. We use different terms for the same things, that doesn't make one wrong and the other right - just different.
Why do people "down under" call it a barbie (unsure of spelling)? It isn't just the ignorant north.
Edit: And barbecue isn't the meat, it is the style in which the meat is prepared and cooked, which is supposed to be a slow cooking process and not a quick one done on a grill.
I hope you've learned something yourself.
Cooking meat over wood didn't start in the south, it's been happening for thousands of years all over the world. Up north, the food barbecue just transferred into the name for the device used to make barbecue. The same as the word grill. Grill is actually a cooking method as well, not necessarily a device used to cook meat.
Well - as I was just in Home Depot yesterday looking at these cooking devices (I live in WA, btw)- they were called Barbeque Grills by the manufacturers. And they were called Barbeque Grills by the sales people and on the price tags. And because people like to abbreviate things, I assume that's why they just call them barbeques!
EDIT: Also, according to dictionary.com it is also - "a rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors "
Meat is only one of the definitions. The people you're referring to are using it correctly. I live in the south and I use grill/barbecue interchangably for the cooking device and I also call it "going to a cookout" or "going to a barbeque"
Definition: barbecue/barbeque
1. meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce [syn: barbecue]
2. a cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; especially a whole animal carcass roasted on a spit [syn: barbecue]
3. a rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors [syn: barbecue]
Im from the north east (newcastle) and i just thought thats how u said it lol
It all tastes good to me, so why kick the cook? If you really wanted to get picayune, there are certain regional coatings that wouldn't be suitable either. Barbecue started with the American Indians, get you facts straight. Originally it was called barbecoa, and was meat dried over a wood fire. The South really?
I'm in the Pacific NW and we call it the BBQ Grill.
Which country are we talking about here? I live in the South (of England) and NO ONE calls it a grill. A grill normally referes to the part of the oven where you 'grill' stuff like cheese on toast .............. hang on, why am I getting involved in such a ridiculous discussion....!
This is a really patronising question
I believe that this is like the whole tomatoe vs tomato senerio it just depends on how you were told they were called. I live smack dab in the center of the US and some people call them grills and say were going to grill tonight or they says Barbecue and say were going to barbecue tonight. Its just a matter on how you were taught. In our stores (i'm sure its the same for everywhere) but on smaller "units" they call them barbecue grills. and the larger "units" are called gas grills or propane grills depending on the fuel source. I think where we are hearing just the term barbecue as a slang type term so as not to have to say the entire phrase. Barbecue (type of grill). But its not the same for the larger units people just say grill instead of were going to propane or were going to gas tonight they just say were going to grill tonight. Basically what i'm saying is I believe its just a way for someone to either distinguish what kind of grill they have or just how they heard growing up them be called.
Who cares? What does it matter?
So down south when your cooking possum you are barbecuing or are you grilling?
My thoughts .......... it is really not that serioius. A grill is what you cook on. BBQ is method of cooking; as is frying, baking, and smoking. Guess what, I live in the North!
Have a nice day, and I would suggest taking a vitamin B complex .... it help with ones central nervous system.
now that you have been totally slammed w/ your question . we hope you learned something . check your facts b-4 inserting foot .
why are you so opinionated. food is food.
Does it matter? Your assumptions are both ignorant and incorrect.