Do you like Blackberry cobbler dumped into your bowl of vanilla Ice Cream?!
Answers: look willwew im on a diet you are sending me mad with all this food and sweets ill drop something in your lap soon ,stop with the food questions please.
its good i tried it b4
i like peach cobbler in my ice cream :)
i prefer it to be warm on the bottom with a nice good quality vanilla ice cream on top!
I totally love it. I usually do what another person here does and I serve the Blackberry Cobbler warm with ice cream on the top. Yummy!!!
if its from my moms kitchen you bet your patootie I DO, hmmmm fresh blackberry cobbler and real vanilla ice cream, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oops sorry for the Just takes me back to when i was a kid and I would eat more berries then made it in to the berry pail for moms cobblers and pies.
Hmmm..... never tried it but it sounds good.