What is an example of the HEALTHIEST breakfast you can think of?!
Answers: it has to include everything on the food pyramid!
-Oatmeal w/ a handful of mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries),
-Egg-white omlette (no yolks) w/ diced tomato and spinach.
-Milk (1% or 2%)
Lots of good calories and nutrients. Tastes good, too.
8oz glass orange juice
2 scrambled eggs, cooked with olive oil (not butter)
1 slice of whole wheat toast with all natural raspberry jam
4oz cup yogurt with 1/2 sliced banana mixed in
Cerial and yoghurt and toast. Dont look at the dum answers
grape nut cereal with fruits
1 glas of orange juice, a tea of your choice, a müsli (oats, dried fruits such as apple, pears, banana, grapes mixed in a plain yogourth and with fresh fruits such as strawberries, blackberries, etc).