Are you proud to be human?!
Do you buy meat and support this practice ?
Are you proud ?
Answers: Take a look at this campaign which highlights the transport of live animals around the world.
Do you buy meat and support this practice ?
Are you proud ?
I'm neither proud or ashamed. There are some wonderful humans that have lived in this world, people that dedicated their lives to humanity, and to helping others.
And on the other side, there are some horrible people, that rape, kill, slaughter, and spread misery, and fear.
And in the middle, there's everyone else. The ones that just do their job, because they're told to do it, and therefore have no responsibility for their actions. The ones that eat their meat, and don't wonder how it got to their table.
The ones that slaughter animals, that castrate them without anaesthesia, that keep them in small cages where they can't move, and they don't feel bad, because they're only doing their job.
The ones that take part in executions, and may end up executing an innocent man, but it's not their responsibility, because they were told to do it.
The ones that go to the army, and kill other people, without even knowing why they're doing it.
We do what we're told, so we can't be blamed right?
Wrong! We need to start taking responsibility for our actions. Not just about the animals, but about everything. We have to start getting information about what's really happenning around us, and know why we do what we do.
There's probably a very small percentage of humans that are "bad". The rest of us, just cater to their commands, as if we were hypnotized. Well it's time to wake up.
Most of us wouldn't be able to kill an animal so we could eat it. Yet we have no problem buying it dead at the butcher's...
No,people are destroying the earth and themselves.
i did not look at your page b/c i'm sure i would see something that would upset me but i whole heartily think that all animals need to be treated a lot better.
Im not proud at all
Actually i was thinking this earlier today
How everything we made is just for us
How WE want it
We dont think of anything else
Because we only care about our needs
Of course the animals cant tell us how they feel
But we've taken over everything
We are selfish creatures.
Perhaps you should address the relative countries where these conditions are allowed rather than aiming for a blanket tarring with the same brush.
Michael Im in the UK
I grew sick & tired of reading such websites long ago when i was researching for a thesis. You cannot judge a country & its people by standards other countries allow as the norm. Nor can you say abuse is something all people who are within the meat industry are carrying out.
What you can do is encourage folk to do something worthy of making a real difference. There will always be meat eaters, fact of life, instead of forever spouting the same peta site, encourage real change. Accept that people will always eat meat & ask them to make the effort to source meat locally & from good suppliers. Thats the only way to make a real difference.
The consumer has the power, if the consumer boycotts a product because it leaves behind it a trail of abuse & low welfare standards for animals in its country of origin, it can make a difference.
I may raise animals for meat but I also campaign for better welfare. I campaign for an end to intensive raising of chickens & ducks. I campaign for consumers in the UK to avoid eating imported meat & chicken products as they come from countries with far lower welfare standards than we have here in the uk. There are real ways to make a difference.
Martin - Peta - Used just as an example since it seems to be the most commonly spouted organisation.
Abuse - The web site you linked shows abuse. It comes in many forms.
Actually , my comments are necessary. Do some research among those of us who raise animals for a living, you'll find out we are all sick & tired of having the general abuse of animals label stuck on us by a good part of the veggie/vegan community world wide.
Personal slurs ? I do not know you personally to be able to slur you.
I'm not going to ASK people to do something worthy, thats patronising. I'm showing them what they pay for. THEY can judge if its OK or not, not ME.
This is exactly what I do )
I buy meat and don't support this practice. Honestly, I became immune to shameless propaganda over the years. I'm sure in some places animals are treated badly when they are slaughtered, and in others they are treated in a very humane way. So yeah, the bad slaughter conditions should be condemned.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't buy meat. If in some place they (say) fertilize the fields with the animals from the clip above that don't survive the trip and then grow potatoes, will you stop eating potatoes?
Edit: The site is actually ok. The propaganda mentioned is in your post only. Look at what you're doing - you're providing a "highlight" of transport by pointing to a site which deals specifically in "bad" transportation. You don't mention "good" transportation or slaughter practices anywhere, you don't provide any statistics comparing the volume of "good" vs "bad" transportation.
No, you pick one site and condemn -all- meat eating based on it. Sweeping generalizations, appeal to pity... one sided, and full of logical fallacies - I call it propaganda.
Fix: "meat eating" should be "meat buying", my mistake. Honest mistake on my part, and it's not that people buy meat for any other purposes... now do they?
Edit2: Of course I assumed you were saying it's wrong... you assume buying meat supports this practice, which is completely unbased. The source you provides, the site itself, suggests exactly which laws and regulations should be passed to stop the inhumane treatment. None of them have anything to do with "buying meat".
"Do you buy meat, and/or support this practice?" was the question you should have asked. See, no begging the question.
Proud to be human. OK for all those who say yes, why just look at what we as a race are doing to the planet, Also think about this question again when we (humans) run out off oil (and bleed the earth off everything else usable) You think solar and wind and power will sort that out. Yeah it would if by that point the world wasn't a complete atmospheric mess. You wont even be able to leave your underground caves to kill dinner. Yeah Proud to be Human OK then.
Since I had no choice in the matter I'm neither proud nor ashamed. I try to do the best I can to make the world a better place and go on.
I don't eat meat. I recycle. I try to reduce my use of energy. I try to be kind and helpful. And I support organizations that can change things on a wider scale than I can by myself.
I am ashamed to be a human a lot of times. Especially knowing things like the link you posted. Someone said (I can't remember who) that if animals had religion, humans would be the devil. It dosen't make me feel very good, because that is probably true.