Which works better atkins diet or being a vegetarian?!
Health wise, there's no doubt that vegetarian is definitely the way to go and much better for you in the long run if you get the proper proteins. You can also eat a much wider variety of foods, especially if you allow animal products, like cheese, milk, etc, but just not animal flesh. Personally, I just limit my meat intake, up my veggies, and notice that does wonders.
Answers: If you're speaking about weight, vegetarian. All my vegetarian friends are thin, albeit slightly pasty looking (don't shoot me, but it's true). All my Atkins friends lost weight in the short term, and had nice "shiny coats" and complexions, but had a lot of trouble sticking to the diet long term, and gained the weight back very, very quickly when they went back to more "regular" habits. Personally, Atkins made me so weak I couldn't climb stairs. It was awesome to eat as much meat, cheese, fat, etc as I wanted for a time, but it's just too unbalanced to satisfy long term. (I never want to see another bag of pork rinds or can of atkins shake mix as long as I live!) My friend, on the exact same food, was fine with it, and lost 20 pounds, although she gained it back and more when she stopped. (Previously, when she lived with her vegetarian mom, she was thin and kept it off without problem.)
Health wise, there's no doubt that vegetarian is definitely the way to go and much better for you in the long run if you get the proper proteins. You can also eat a much wider variety of foods, especially if you allow animal products, like cheese, milk, etc, but just not animal flesh. Personally, I just limit my meat intake, up my veggies, and notice that does wonders.
Well out of those two, vegetarian. Atkins diet is horribly unhealthy and isn't guaranteed to work at all.
Just make sure you get a good source of protein if you want to be a veggie.
Atkins is much healthier then vegetarianism.
Depends on what your goal is. Is it to lose weight? You won't necessarily lose weight being a vegetarian because of all the pastas and carbs. A good balanced diet for weight loss and general helathy life eating is the South Beach diet...balancing protein and good carbs.
i do it every couple of months and lose abot 10-12lbs
and only gain back maybe 5 at most,i agree with it,nothing better than steak for breakfast!
Neither a the best diet is to follow the food pyramid.
vegetarianism is a choice not a diet and not proved to have any beneficial effect in weight control, and Atkins is just another faddy diet. There is no substitute for good varied balanced diet in moderate proportions and exercise.
Simple rules but the hardest to follow!
Atkins isn't for long term,your liver breaking down all that protein, causes ketosis,(see rabbit fever). As for vegetarian diets, there are many b vitamins, and amino acids only present in meat sources, that have to be replaced, by yeast supplements(a one celled animal) sublingal B12, milk or eggs. Extremely low cholesterol levels, and those other deficiencies, can cause mental and emotional disturbances. Eat a lot of beans, vegetables, to avoid the carb effect, and good quality protein, and good oils,(fish,olive,seeds) and you will lose weight. (muscle weighs more than fat, and increases your metabolism)