Okay, does anyone over 35-40 actually think that Krispy Kreme tastes "good"......?!
Answers: and what did your parents do to you to cause this? I can understand why kids today, having been raised on chemicals, think this is actually an edible product. But people my age and older must remember what food is suppose to taste like.
my father owned a bakery in SF when I was growing up. KK is crap compared to what real baked goods taste like. Kids dont know what a bearclaw or a stickybun taste like, homemade rolls and fresh bread. Danishes with fresh fruit instead of jam or some sort of fake cheese. I sure do miss good food..
I'm 25 and don't like them
yea my mom does.
Krispy Kreme is just plain nasty.
I don't think they taste good - too sweet for me. I'm 54.
I am not 35 yet, I'm 33. I must admit that as I get older, I desire sweet food less and less. But, in saying that if after 35 I have an urge for a donut... I wouldn't see it as a problem at all.
Krispy Kremes may not be the best food out there, but they are the lightest and most satisfying donuts I can find. It definitely beats out Dunkin' Donuts.
Also, my dad loves them. Not insanely so, but he gets them semi-often.
Not for the price. Don't EVEN get me started on White Castle.
I can't resist this but I haven't got a clue what this product is? Maybe it hasn't reached Australia yet or maybe I just lead a sheltered life! Anyway, it sounds disgusting - anything that has to have the spelling altered so ... badly must be hiding something nasty.
I haven't seen my grand daughter with anything like it, thank heavens!
To someone who has consumed many chemical-laden foods, they do taste good. I'm one of those people who have grown up on food like that.
But to someone like you that hasn't always been around it they probably don't taste good.
It just depends on how someone is conditioned. I personally don't think Krispy Kremes taste any better than any other donut.
I'm 24. I think they taste like heavy, oily clay.
42 and I'm not a big fan. That's not a donut. It equals a gooey tasteless sugar gut ache to me.
I'm 43 and I like the taste of them. I think it's mainly because it's "forbidden fruit." I have a sedentary desk job, so if I ate something like that on a regular basis I'd have to buy bigger pants every couple of months or so. Still, a "sugar orgy" every once in a while is okay. I prefer regular donuts both for flavor and price.
Krispy Kreme is crap. Dunkin Donuts RULES.