Should I drink a redbull before my SAT?!
Answers: Wondering if itd help during a test.
Don't do anything that you wouldn't normally. If you normally drink it then you should be ok. If you are going to have your first, I wouldn't. The stakes are too high to be conducting science experiments on your body.
well one redbull doesn't really effect me at all, i like rockstars better, twice as strong woo
dont have an energy drink before a test cause you will just crash and feel horrible while your taking it. Instead, have a healthy breakfast and go to like smoothie king or something like that and get boosts in your smoothie. also take a snack like a banana if you guys get a break anytime
no need, just take a good sleep a night before your SAT
it gives a nice boost but it's really nothing special. you'd be fine for a test but idk that it would necessarily help you.
only drink it if you normally drink it.
Have a large, healthy breakfast, and drink water.
Also, STUDY. It's the one thing that's guaranteed to help.
it probably won't help make you any more productive, but like everyone else said just get a good night sleep, eat a big breakfast and bring a snack. one redbull would probably be fine but it depends on how you react to them. i never crash after energy drinks so they're chill for me. but i took it a step further on one of my SAT's and accidentally drank four. by accidentally i mean i finished early on one section and just drank them because i was bored. i was pretty cracked out after four redbulls. don't do that if you can help it.
Just get plenty of rest. Eat some carbs the night before and day of the test. Relax. It'll be fine.