Evil chickens?!
Answers: Do You think that if you eat evil chicken meat you will become an evil person?
If you manage to find a evil chicken you are most likely on some kind of drug.....
No, just get bad gas
thats funny!
maybe that's what heppened to me
Only if you eat WITH an evil chicken
you are dumb
Yes, unless you drink lots of beer after eating them. If you drink plenty beer, the beer goodness engulfs the chicken evilness and you are unharmed.
No because the evil goat I sacrificed and ate last week will battle the evil chicken's influence. However, I won't be attending any public functions for about 24 hours after that.
yes it will control your mind and you will try to take over the world..............
naaa im just messin with you youll provably throw up
Where can I get a evil chicken? I think I want one for my ex. Oh wait he already is evil. To anwser your question I have to get one first. I don't eat chicken anymore.
Give it a try, I did, and I'm pop in out some awesome Eggs for breakfast. Size of a Brontosaurus.