Does anybody like wet lettuce?!
Answers: Does anybody like lettuce that has just been rinsed/soaked in water that is in a bowl and you just eat it plain? I love it!
i like it to be less wet when i eat it because i am a messy eater and if you add water and salad dressing it goes straight to my b00bs and stays there!
Yeah, except I like to cover my head with the leaves and pretend I'm Sigmond the Seamonster.
When I was in the Western Desert with the 8th Army in 1942 we were restricted to two pints of water a day, for all purposes (the cook had to have 1 pint of that) we'd torture ourselves with dreams of what we'd love to have, one of which was Cos lettuce dripping with cold water.
I learned that to really apprecate anyhing one had to go without, which I and my family had to do in the 30s, which has made my life a journey of wonder